
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ~Hippocrates
आहार ........ आरोग्याचा खरा मूलमंत्र!
१. आहार कधी महत्वाचा ? आयुष्याच्या कुठल्या टप्प्यावर ? तर याचे उत्तर आहे की अगदी जन्माला आल्यापासून ( खरं तर यायच्या आधीपासूनच ) ते मरणापर्यंत असे आयुष्याच्या प्रत्येक टप्प्यावर आहार महत्वाचा आहे. त्याचे योग्य नयन प्रतेय्क व्यक्तीला असणे महत्वाचे आहे . दुर्दवाने आपल्याकडे याबद्दल खूप काही गैरसमज आढळतात आणि शास्त्रीय आणि योग्य माहिती खूप कमी ठिकाणी मिळते.
“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” ~Thomas Edison
२. आरोग्य स्त्रीचे आणि तिच्या कुटुंबियांचे - स्त्री चे शरीर खूप अद्भुत आहे. तिला निसर्गाने खूप वेगळ्या पद्धतीने घडवले आहे. त्यामुळे लहानपणापासून ते वार्ध्यक्यापर्यंत ती इतक्या अनेक टप्प्यातून जाते की तिच्या शरीरात होणारे बदल, हॉर्मोन्स यामुळे तिला आपला आहार तर नीट ठेवलाच पाहिजे पण आपल्या कुटुंबाचा आहार योग्य ठेवायची जबाबदारी पण तिच्यावरच येते बरेचदा त्यामुळे योग्य माहिती करून घेणे गरजेचे.
Just because you’re not sick doesn’t mean you’re healthy” ~Author Unknown
३. आरोग्याचे निकष - योग्य वजन - मुलांसाठी आहार विहार तक्ता, मोठ्यांसाठी ब्रोकाज इंडेक्स हे एक सोपे सूत्र आहे जे आपण वापरू शकतो - height in cms - 100 = IBW
इतर निकष - त्वचा, झोप, उत्साह, ताकद, केस, कांती, पाळी नियमित येणे, जीवनसत्वाची कमतरता नसणे, शरीरातील चरबीचे टक्के कमी असणे ( ३० % पेक्षा खाली ) Average 0 25 to 31 % and fitness 21-24%
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” ~Jim Rohn
४. कसा असावा आपला आहार? कसे कराल आपले किचन आरोग्य संपन्न? आणि सध्या काय प्रचलित आहे ते आपण पाहू?
He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors.” ~Chinese Proverb
५. आपले वजन आणि त्याचे पेक्षा बॉडी फेट्स नियंत्रणात ठेवणे . यासाठी ७० % आहार आणि ३० % व्यायामाचे महत्व ....... व्यायाम जो आवडेल तो पण त्याचे काही नियम आहेत
६. दूध आणि दुधाचे पदार्थ आणि दूध न घेण्याची ४ कारणे - हॉर्मोन्स,ऍसिडिक,पचवण्याचे वय, पेस्टीसाईडस आणि इतर घातक घटक असतात पर्याय अनेक आहेत जसे की सोयामिल्क, सोया चे विविध पदार्थ, पालेभाज्या इत्यादी
“If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it” ~Common sense
७. रासायनिक पदार्थापासून सावध- टूथ पेस्ट,साखर,रिफाईंड तेल, कृत्रिम रंग, कृत्रीम स्वाद,शुगरफ्री, अजिनोमोटो वैगेरे
“Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.” ~Mike Adams
८. प्रक्रिया केलेले नकोच - ब्रेड, बिस्किटे, तयार तेलकट पदार्थ,गूळ, मध वैगेरे तसेच जे काही पांढरे ते नकोच
Don’t eat anything your great-great grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food. There are a great many food-like items in the supermarket your ancestors wouldn’t recognize as food.. stay away from these” ~Michael Pollan
९. मांसाहार नको किंवा कमीत कमी - कारणे - पर्यावरणाला पूरक, प्राण्यांना अभयदान, हॉर्मोन्स- कर्करोग,चवीसाठी तेल, खोबर जास्त आणि त्यामुळे जास्तीचे खाणे
१० सेंद्रिय भाज्या, फळे आणि धान्य - GO ORGANIC
“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.” ~B.K.S. Iyengar

Right Way to Keto
Archana Rairikar discusses the correct way to follow Keto diet.
Ketogenic diet mimics the fasting state of the body. During fasting, there is a decrease in the level of glucose and insulin. This leads to stimulation of glucagon and adrenalin hormones to burn fats in the body in order to produce energy. When fat stores are burnt to produce energy, ketones are produced in our system.
It’s important to remember that this is not diabetic ketoacidosis rather this is nutritional ketosis which has some benefits in many cases if done with proper care and not to forget under right guidance and expert supervision.
Common foods in Keto diet :
- Milk products - paneer, cream, cheese, butter, ghee
- Soya products - tofu, nuts, chunks, dal, soy flour, sugar-free soy milk, rawa
- Nuts - almonds, walnut, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecan nuts
- Seeds - pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds
- Vegetable oils, edible coconut oil, avocado oil
- Low carb vegetables
- Flours - almond flour, coconut flour
- Vegan milk - coconut milk, almond milk
- Sugar-free beverages - green tea, black coffee/green coffee
- Non-vegetarian option - meat, chicken, fish, eggs, bacon, egg powder, chicken powder, gelatin
Keto diet versus everyday diet :
The basic Indian food contains 65 to 70 per cent of carbohydrates. Therefore a typical Indian breakfast like poha, upma, idli, bread, paratha should be substituted with egg omelette with cheese, soya rawa upma, cauliflower upma, soya chunks, keto cutlets in a Keto diet.
Roti-sabji dal-chawal is substituted with chicken grilled with vegetables and mayonnaise sauce or fried fish with green salad or paneer makanwala with spinach soup or keto paratha or chapatti with vegetables and chicken curry.
Ketogenic food can be really tasty and palatable. Indian spices and some other herbs can be used to make the food tasty and palatable. Ghee, oil, butter, cream, peanut butter, mayonnaise sauce, coconut milk, spices and herbs like oregano, lemongrass, soya sauce, vinegar, lime juice and red chilli flakes are used to make the food palatable. The amount of fats present in the food and the proteins like paneer or meat gives a feeling of fullness and satiety even if a small quantity of these foods is consumed.
Few points to remember :
It’s important to get your keto profile done before starting Keto diet. This would involve blood and urine tests. Though keto diet is effective, it is important to note that:
- Some people reach a set point or saturation point doing Keto and their weight doesn’t move further. At that time, the diet needs to be changed. - Side effects may occur.
- Though many people do wish to start a keto diet, initial enthusiasm is often lost as chicken and paneer and limited food items may create nausea and boredom.
- Keto diet should ideally be followed for 3 months after which a gap of one month is advised. Keto diet can be restarted after your doctor and dietician’s consent.
- A best-suited maintenance diet should be followed to ensure continued well-being.
Please Note: It is important to consult your doctor and dietician before starting Keto diet or prior to modifying your dietary intake. Remember to seek medical advice before considering the Keto diet. Diabetes Health does not seek to endorse the Keto Diet.

Anaemia is the most prevalent nutritional deficiency disorder in the world. It affects all age groups but the most vulnerable are preschool-age children, pregnant women, and non-pregnant women of childbearing age. Globally,anaemia affects 1.62 billion people, which corresponds to 24.8% of the population. The highest prevalence of anemia exists in the developing world where its causes are multi-factorial. National Family Health Survey statistics reveal that every second Indian woman is anaemic and one in every five maternal deaths is directly due to anaemia.
What is Anemia?
Anaemia is the most common nutritional deficiency disorder in the world. It is a condition that occurswhen the red blood cells do not carry enough oxygen to the tissues of the body. WHO defines anaemia as a condition in which the Haemoglobin (Hb) content of blood is lower than normal as a result of deficiency of one or more essential nutrients, regardless of the cause of such deficiencies .Most of the anaemias are due to inadequate supply of nutrients like iron, folic acid and vitamin B12, proteins, amino acids, vitamins A, C, and other vitamins of B-complex group i.e. niacin and pantothenic acid are also involved in the maintenance of haemoglobin level. In anemia there is defective formation of hemoglobin and defective maturation and formation of red blood cells .Hemoglobin is the main part of red blood cells. They bind with oxygen. If the number of red blood cells are less or hemoglobin is less then the body cells will not enough oxygen.
Some common causes :
1. Dietary - mainly wrong food, fast food consumption, less iron, folic acids and Vitamin B 12 in the diet as this nutrients are necessary. Lack of Vitamin C in the diet, less proteins in the diet, pyridoxine as well leads to anemia. Too much tea can hinder iron absorption.
2. Genetic defects like Thalassemias
3. Infection, toxic chemicals can lead to anemia
4. blood loss due to menses, post delivery, accident
5. some other medical conditions like ulcers
Iron deficiency is the most common of this.
Who are at risk?
1.Anemia is common during pregnancy as the requirement of iron is high in this stage .Post delivery there is loss of blood also can lead to anemia .Folic acid deficiency also can lead to anemia curing delivery
2. older people due to poor diet
3. Infants and children - Because your need for iron increases during these times of growth and development. The iron that full-term infants have stored in their bodies is used up in the first 4 to 6 months of life. Young children who drink a lot of cow's milk may be at risk for iron-deficiency anemia. Milk is low in iron, and too much milk may take the place of iron-rich foods in the diet.
4. Eat poorly because of money, social, health, or other problems.
5. Who eat too less for calories control, weight loss young girls
6. Too much fiber in the diet can lead to difficulty in iron absorption
Symptoms :
Tiredness, shortness of breath, problems in growth and development in children, poor concentration, dizziness, headache, coldness in your hands and feet, pale skin, chest pain, weakness.
How to treat anemia?
You may need iron supplements to build up your iron levels as quickly as possible. Iron supplements can correct low iron levels within months. Large amounts of iron can be harmful, so take iron supplements only as your doctor prescribes.
If blood loss is causing iron-deficiency anemia, treatment will depend on the cause of the bleeding. For example, if you have a bleeding ulcer, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics and other medicines to treat the ulcer.
Blood transfusion in severe cases :
What foods to include in the diet to ensure iron levels in the body are maintained?
Sources of iron are meat, poultry, fish as they contain heme iron which is best absorbed in body.
Vegetarian diets can provide enough iron if you eat the right foods. For example, sources iron include cereals line nachani, bajra, poha or rice flakes soya beans, tofu, dried fruits and spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables, makhana.
Vitamin C rich food like lime ,amla help in iron absorption and enough protein in the diet example poha with lime.

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